
Monday, April 30, 2012

Octopus Dictionary Page Artwork

I made the artwork hanging in the downstairs bathroom.  Here's how! 

The frames are from Walmart, the Mat's are from Hobby Lobby.  The artwork was free from my printer!
I followed this great tutorial I found at

Since I already own an old dictionary I didn't scan the pages but ripped them right out of my book then taped them to a piece of  8x10 paper (since the dictionary pages were only 5x7).  Then sent them through my printer.  I found both of these octopus images on the graphics fairy website (click here and here for those images).  I adjusted the size just slightly, made sure they were centered, then played around with the color to make them look dark blue instead of black.  To adjust the color on a Mac (using iWork pages) after the image is selected go to the top of your computer and select "View" then click on "show adjust image" then you can slide the temperature and tint scales to change the images color.  This would work if you wanted to make the image green or red as well.

Take a look around the graphics fairy website - there are a ton of cute options that you could use for this type of artwork!  Don't have a dictionary?  just do what Becca from gardenberger did and check one out from the library then scan the page.  Or I recently saw some scrapbook paper that looked like a page out of a book that you could print your image on as well.


  1. Oh my gosh! I love your art so much!! They look awesome- I had no idea you dd it off my tutorial!! Too cool! {and thanks for the more than awesome shout out!!}
    xo Becca

    1. Those look great! You did such a wonderful job. :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this because I absolutely love those prints and excited to find out that they were pretty much free!!:)
